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:: Members of Academic Board - Mehdi Nasr Esfehani ::
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Full name Mehdi Nasr Esfehani
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Academic degree دانشنامه تخصصي
Contact Information
Telephone - Office/Work 2166509024
Full Address خیابان ستارخان، خیابان نیایش، خیابان شهید منصوری، انستیتو روانپزشکی تهران
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Country Iran
## Brief CV
سوابق تحصيلي:
مقطع كارشناسي - مكان : - دانشگاه: - زمان:
كارشناسي ارشد - مكان: - دانشگاه: - زمان:
دكترا - مكان: اصفهان - دانشگاه: اصفهان- زمان: 1360
تخصص يا Ph.D - مكان: اصفهان - دانشگاه: اصفهان- زمان: 1370
فوق تخصص - مكان: - دانشگاه: - زمان:

علايق و گرايش تحقيقاتي:

1- روان پزشكي مشاوره
2- رابط و اپيدميولوژي

مهمترين پژوهش‌هاي در‌دست اجرا يا پايان‌يافته سال‌هاي اخير:

1- تدوين پيش نويس قانون بهداشت روان كشور
2- مطالعه اپيدميولوژي اختلالات خلقي و اضطرابي در ساكنين منطقه 6 تهران
3- بررسي فراواني وابستگي به مواد در بيماران بستري حضرت رسول
4- بررسي فراواني وابستگي به الكل در بيماران بستري حضرت رسول
5- هنجاريابي در پرسشنامه روان شناختي كاليفرنيا (CPI)

مهمترين كتب:

1- Michael, A., (2004). OSCEs in Psychiatry, Translated into Farsi, 2006.
2- Nasre-Esfahani, M. (2003). My world. Experiences of a Schizophrenic Patient.
3- Nasre-Esfahani, M. Psychological aspect of pelvic floor disorders. In Mahjoubi, B.; Mirzaei, R Pelvic Floor Disorders: Multi-Disciplinary Management (Page. 19
3- 198).
4- Bolhari, J.; Nasr-Esfahani, M.; Ghalebandi, M. F.; Taghva, A. Mirsepasi, Gh.; Kazemzadeh, M. (2008). OSCE in Psychiatry, Educational Guideline.
5- Blumenfield, M.; Tiamson, M. (2003). Consultation/Liaison Psychiatry Translated into Farsi, 2004.
6- WHO (2000). Evaluation of Psychoactive Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Facilitators Workshop Guide Translated into Farsi, 2004.
7- WHO (2000). Evaluation of Psychoactive Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Workbock 5: Cost Evaluations Translated into Farsi, 2004.
8- Othmer, E.; Othmer, Z. (1996). The Clinical Interview Using DSM-IV, Translated into Farsi, 1999.
9- Michael, Blumenfield; Maria, L. A. Tiamson. (2003). Consultation- Liaison Psychiatry. Translated into Farsi, 2005.

مهمترين مقالات پژوهشي سال‌هاي اخير:

1- M. Nasr-Esfahani, J. Attari-Moghadam, J.; Ghalebandi, M.F.; Saberi, S. M.; Samini Ardestani, S. M.; Gharraee, B. & Shirazi, E. (2008). Involuntary treatment and hospitalization: Review of mental health Acts. Iran Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 14, No. 1. Spring.
2- Eftekhar-Ardabili, M.; Nassr-Esfahani, M.; Rassulian, M. Ghalebandi, M. F.; Daneshamuz, B.; Salehi, M. (2007). Prevalence of cigarette smoking in Tehran: a household study. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, Winter.
3- Gharaipoor, M.; Atef-Vahid, M. K.; Nasr-Esfahani, M.; Asgarnejad- Farid, A. A. (2007). Neuropsychological function in patients with major depressive disorder and suicidal attempt. Iran Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 12, No. 4. Winter
4- Taghva, A.; Rasoulian, M.; Panaghi, L.; Bolhari, J.; Zarghami, M.; Nasr-Esfahani, M.; Hodges, B. (2007). Validity and reliability of the first objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in Psychiatry in Iran. Iran Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 13, No. 1. Spring.
5- Hamidy, A.; Dadfar, M.; Jahangiry, B.; Nasr-Esfahani, M.; Dadfar, F. (2006). The study of the effect of naltrexone on reduction of severity of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 2. Summer.
6- Eftekhar-Ardabili, M.; Salehi, M.; Gharai, B.; Daneshamuz, B.; Nassr- Esfahani, M.; Ghalebandi, M. F. (2006). A household study on the prevalence of substance misuse in Tehran: the need for other methods to estimate the prevalence. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry. Vol. 1, No. 4, Fall.
7- Atef-Vahid, M. K.; Nasr-Esfahani, M. et al. (2006). Standardization of the Persian Version of the California Psychological Invernoty (PCI). Andeeshe Va Raftar, Vol. 11, No. 4, Winter.
8- Nohesara, Sh.; Nasr Esfahani, M.; Afkhami Ebrahimi, A. (2005). The Survey of Opium Use Frequency in Admitted Patient at Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital. Andeeshe Va Raftar, Vol. 10, No. 3, Winter.
9- Attar, H.; Afkham Ebrahimi, A.; Nasr Esfahani, M. (2004). Alcohol Use in Hospitalized Patient at Hasrat-e-Rasoul Hospital. Andeeshe Va Raftar, Vol. 10, No. 1 & 2, Summer & Fall. 1
0- Afkham Ebrahimi, A.; Nasr Esfahani, M.; Saghafi, N. (2004). Patients Expectations and Satisfaction with their Treating Physician. Journal of Iran University of Medical Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 41. Extract 1. 1
1- Malakouti, K.; Noori, R.; Naghavi, M.; Ahmadi Abhari, A.; Nasr Esfahani, M.; Afghah, S.; Salehi, P.; Hemati, M.A.; Moghadamnia, M. (2003). The Burden of Caregivers of Chronic Mental Patients and their Needs to Care and Therapeutic Services. Research Journal Hakim, Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer. 1
2- Ahmadi Abhari, S.A.; Bolhari, J.; Alaghband Rad, J.; Malakooti, K.; Nasr Esfahani, M.; Razzaghi, E. M.; Sadeghi, M.; Yasamy, M. T. (2003). Mental Health Effect of Iragi Invasion of Kuwait in a War-Torn Population in Iran: An Epidemiological and Financial Study of the Consequences of the Kuwaiti Oil Well fire Disaster in Affected Population of Iran in Aftermath of Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait in 1991. (Monitoring and Assessment Project No. 5000392, United Nations Compensation Commission). Tehran: Ministry of Health and Medical Education Islamic Republic of Iran. 1
3- Nasr Esfahani, M.; Hamidi, A. (2001). The Effect of Bromocriptine on the Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia: A Double Blind Study. Journal of Iran University of Medical Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 25, Fall.. 1
4- Malakouti, K.; Noori Ghasemabadi, R.; Nasr Esfahani, M. (1999). The Role of Continuos Care Team on Outpatient of Chronic Psychiatric Patient. Andeeshe Va Raftar, Vol. 4, No. 3, Winter. 1
5- Sohrabi, H.; Ashayeri, G.; Nasr Esfahani, M. (1998). Retrieving from Visual Memory in Schizophrenics, Right Hemisphere Brain Damaged and Normal Group. Andeeshe Va Raftar, Vol. 4, No. 7, Fall. 1
6- Nasr Esfahani, M.; Nouri Ghasemabadi, R. (1999). Disability and Medical Leave Due to Psychiatric Disorders in Tehran Social Security Organization Clients, Andeeshe Va Raftar, Vol. 5, No. 1 & 2, Summer & Fall. 1
7- Nasr Esfahani, M.; Bagheri Yazdi, A. (1998). Investigating Stressors in an Industrial Setting, Andeesheh Va Raftar, Vol. 3, No. 3, Winter. 1
8- Palahang, H.; Nasr Esfahani, M. (1996). Epidemiology of Mental Disorders in Urban Areas of Kashan. Andeeshe Va Raftar, Vol. 2, No. 4. Spring. 1
9- Yaghubi, N.; Nasr Esfahani, M.; Shahmohammadi, D. (1995). Epidemiology of Mental Disorders in Urban and Rural Areas of Sowmaesara- Gilan. Andeeshe Va Raftar, Vol. 1, No. 4, Spring

مشاوره براي پايان‌نامه‌هاي كارشناسي ارشد و دكترا يا بالاتر:

1- بررسي فراواني اختلالات روان پزشكي در كاشان
2- بررسي فراواني اختلالات روان پزشكي در صومعه سرا
3- تاثيرbromocriptin بر علائم اسكيزوفرنيا
4- بررسي مقدماتي اثر بخشي مجموعه راهبردهاي شناختي-رفتاري برنامه تجديد نظر شده تسلط بر اظطراب و وحشت خوددر درمان اختلال وحشتزدگي بدون گذر هراسي (مشاور)
5- بررسي كاركردهاي عصب روانشناختي در اقدام كنندگان به خود كشي مبتلا به اختلال افسردگي اساسي(مشاور)
6- بررسي اثر بخشي آموزش بهداشت رواني بر آگاهي، نگرش، نحوهمراقبت از خود ،عزت نفس و تعداد حملات بيماران مبتلا به صرع گراندمال در شهر ايلام(راهنما)
7- بررسي مقايسه اي باز شناسي و يادآوري ديداري الگوهاي غير كلامي و هجاهاي بي معنا در بيماران مبتلا به اسكيزوفرنيا ،افراد آسيب ديده نيمكره راست و افراد بهنجار(مشاور)
8- بررسي و مقايسه شيوه هاي فرزند پروري مادران كودكان مبتلا به اختلالات رفتاريو مادران كودكان بهنجار و تاثير آموزش مادران بر اختلالات رفتاري فرزندان (مشاور)

جوايز و تقدير‌هاي كشوري و جهاني:

سابقه سمت‌هاي آموزشي و اجرايي كليدي دانشگاهي و پژوهشي:

1- Associated Professor of Psychiatry, Iran University of Medical Science and Tehran Psychiatric Institute (199
1- present).
2- Member of National Board Examiners, Ministry of Health and Medical Education (2008 Present).
3- Member of the Research Committee, Iran University of Medical Sciences (2006 Present)
4- Director of Mental Health Research Center, Tehran Psychiatric Institute (2006 Present)
5- Member of National Board Examiners, Ministry of Health and Medical Education (200
1- 2004).
6- Member of Editorial Board of Audiology, (200
0- present)
7- Head of the Psychiatric Ward, Rasool Akram Medical Complex (200
0- present).
8- Member of the Board of Iranian Schizophrenia Association (200
0- 2005).
9- Member of Editorial Board of Andessheh Va Raftar (a Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology), (199
9- present). 1
0- Research Deputy, Department of Psychiatry Iran University of Medical Sciences (199
8- 2006). 1
1- Member of the Continuing Education. Iranian Psychiatric Association (199
8- 2002). 1
2- Member of the Psychiatric Committee of Medical Council, Ministry of Health and Medical Education (199
8- present). 1
3- Secretary of National Congress of Stress, Iran University of Medical Sciences (1998). 1
4- Head of Research Unit, Tehran Psychiatric Institute (199
8- 2003). 1
5- Member of Iran Epilepsy Association (199
3- 1998). 1
6- Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences (199
6- 1998). 1
7- Member of the Evaluation Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Iran niversity of Medical Sciences (199
4- 1998). 1
8- Member of National Examiners, Ministry of Health and Medical Education (199
6- 2001). 1
9- Member of the Research Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences (199
5- 2000). 2
0- Deputy of Clinical Education and Training, Faculty of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences (199
5- 1996). 2
1- Member of the Research Committee, Tehran Psychiatric Institute (199
3- present) 2
2- Medical Director, Shahid Esmailee Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran (199
3- 1995). 2
3- Member of the Medical Committee, Social Security Organization (199
1- 1995). 2
4- Executive Director, Psychiatric Clinic, Tehran Psychiatric Institute (199
2- 1995).

عضويت در مجامع و نشريات علمي – پژوهشي كشوري و جهاني:

1- انديشه و رفتار
2- انجمن حمايت از بيماران اسكيزوفرنيا
3- عضو شوراي برنامه ريزي استراتژيك دانشگاه
4- عضو كميته كشوري بهداشت روان
5- داوري مجلات Medical journal Iranian journal The Islamic republic of Iran
6- مجله دانشگاه شيراز
7- مجله دانشگاه اروميه
8- مجله دانشگاه شهركرد
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