سوابق تØصيلي: مقطع كارشناسي - مكان : - دانشگاه: - زمان: كارشناسي ارشد - مكان: - دانشگاه: - زمان: دكترا - مكان: iran - دانشگاه: Tehran University of Medical Sciences- زمان: تخصص يا Ph.D - مكان: UK - دانشگاه: Glasgow University- زمان: Ùوق تخصص - مكان: France - دانشگاه: INSERM- زمان:
علايق Ùˆ گرايش تØقيقاتي:
1- The role of GABAA receptors in the synaptic plasticity and cognition 2- The Glutamate, 5- HT and adenosine hypotheses of schizophrenia 3- Indirect modulators of dopamine receptors 4- Pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia 5- Pharmacotherapy of addiction 6- Pharmacotherapy of Bipolar Disorder 7- Pharmacotherapy of ADHD 8- Pharmacotherapy of Autism
مهمترين پژوهش‌هاي در‌دست اجرا يا پايان‌ياÙته سال‌هاي اخير:
مهمترين كتب:
1- Low-Cost Approaches to Promote Physical and Mental Health: Theory Research and Practice. Edited by Luciano LAbate. Chapter 6: Herbal Medicine in the treatment of psychiatric and neurological Disorders. Springer 2007, New York, USA. 2- Encyclopedia of Iranian Medicinal Plants (in Persian). Arjomand Press, 2000, Tehran, Iran. 3- Principal of Research and Scientific Writing in Medical Sciences (in Persian). Salemi Press, 2003, Tehran, Iran. 4- Gender Differences and Schizophrenia: Evidence for Estrogen Hypothesis (in Persian). Tehran University of Medical Sciences Press, 2005, Tehran, Iran.
مهمترين مقالات پژوهشي سال‌هاي اخير:
1- AKHONDZADEH, S. & STONE, T.W. (1994). Interaction between adenosine and GABAA receptors on hippocampal neurons, Brain Res., 665, 22 9- 236. 2- AKHONDZADEH, S. & STONE, T.W. (1995). Potentiation by neurosteroids of muscimol/adenosine interaction in rat hippocampus. Brain Res., 677, 31 1- 318. 3- AKHONDZADEH, S. & STONE, T.W. (1995). Induction of a novel form of hippocampal long-term depression by muscimol: Involvement of GABAA but not glutamate receptors. Br. J. Pharmacol., 115, 52 7- 533. 4- AKHONDZADEH. S. & STONE, T.W. (1996). Glutamate-independent long-term depression in rat hippocampus by activation of GABAA receptors. Life Science., 58, 102 3- 1030. 5- AKHONDZADEH. S. & STONE, T.W. (1996). Muscimol-induced long- term depression in the hippocampus: Lack of dependence on extracellular calcium. Neuroscience., 71, 58 1- 588. 6- AKHONDZADEH, S. & STONE, T.W. (1996). Maintenance of muscimol- induced long-term depression by neurosteroids. Prog. Neuro- Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry., 20, 27 7- 289. 7- NOORBALA A.A., HOSSEINI S.H., MOHAMMADI M.R. & AKHONDZADEH. S. (1998). Combination of clomipramine and nortriptyline in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics., 23, 15 5- 159. 8- AKHONDZADEH. S. & STONE, T.W. (1998). Potentiation of Muscimol- induced long-term depression by benzodiazepines and prevention or reversal by pregnenolone sulfate. Pharmacological Research., 38, 44 1- 448. 9- AKHONDZADEH. S. & STONE, T.W. (1999). Prevention of muscimol- induced long-term depression by brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry., 23, 121 5- 1226. 1 0- AKHONDZADEH S., EMAMIAN. E., ABHARI. S.A. & SHABESTARI. O. (1999). Is it time to have another look at lithium in bipolar disorder? Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry., 23, 101 1- 1117. 1 1- NOORBALA A.A., AKHONDZADEH S., DAVARI-ASHTINAI R. & AMINI- NOOSHABADI H. (1999). Piracetam in the treatment of schizophrenia: implications for the glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics., 24, 36 9- 374. 1 2- AKHONDZADEH S., MOHAMMADI M.A., AMINI-NOOSHABADI H. & DAVARI-ASHTIANI R. (1999). Cyproheptadine in treatment of chronic schizophrenia: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics., 24, 4 9- 52. 1 3- AKHONDZADEH S., SHASAVAND E., JAMILIAN H.R., SHABESTARI O. and KAMALIPOUR A. (2000). Dipyridamole in the treatment of schizophrenia: adenosine-dopamine receptor interaction. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics., 25, 13 1- 138. 1 4- AKHONDZADEH S., AHMADI-ABHARI S.A., ASSADI S.M., SHABESTARI O.L, KASHANI A.R. and FARZANEHGAN, Z.M. (2000). Double-blind randomized controlled trial of baclofen in the treatment of opiates withdrawal. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics., 25, 34 7- 353. 1 5- AHMADI-ABHARI S.A., AKHONDZADEH S., ASSADI S.M., SHABESTARI O.L, FARZANEHGAN, Z.M. and A. Kamalipour (2001). Baclofen versus clonidine in the treatment of opiates withdrawal, side effects aspect: A double blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics., 26, 6 7- 71. 1 6- AKHONDZADEH S., NAGHAVI H.R., VAZIRIAN M., SHAYEGANPOUR A., RASHIDI H. and KHANI M. (2001). Passionflower in the treatment of generalized anxiety: A double-blind and randomized trial with oxazepam. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics., 26, 36 3- 367. 1 7- AKHONDZADEH S., KASHANI L., MOBASSERI M., HOSSEINI S.H., NIKZAD S. and KHANI M. (2001). Passionflower in the treatment of opiates withdrawal: A double-blind and randomized trial. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics., 26, 36 8- 373. 1 8- GUDARZI S., YASAMYM. and AKHONDZADEH S. (2002). Cyproheptadine in the treatment of autism. Eur. Psychiatry. 17, 23 0- 231. 1 9- AKHONDZADEH S., MOJTAHEDZADEH V. MIRSEPASSI G.R. and KAMILIPOUR A. (2002). Diazoxide in the treatment of schizophrenia: a novel application of potassium channel openers in the CNS disorders. J. Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 27, 45 3- 459. 2 0- AKHONDZADEH S. MOHAMMADI M.R. & KHASHANI, L. (2002). Potentiation of Muscimol-induced long-term depression by benzodiazepines but not zolpidem. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 26, 116 1- 1166. 2 1- AKHONDZADEH S. KASHANI L. FOTOUHI A. JARVANDI S. et al. (2003). Comparison of Lavandula angostofolia Mill. tincture and imipramine in the treatment of mild to moderate depression: a double-blind, randomized pilot study. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 27, 12 3- 127. 2 2- AKHONDZADEH S., TAVAKOLIAN R., DAVARI-ASHTIANI R., ARABGOL F. and AMINI-NOOSHABADI H. (2003). Selegiline in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children: a double blind randomized and controlled trial. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 27, 45 2- 458. 2 3- AKHONDZADEH S., NOROOZIAN M., MOHAMMADI M., OHADINIA S., JAMSHIDI A. and KHANI M. (2003). Salvia officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease: a double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 28, 5 3- 59. 2 4- AKHONDZADEH S., NOROOZIAN M., MOHAMMADI M., OHADINIA S., JAMSHIDI A. and KHANI M. (2003). Melissa officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease: a double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 74, 86 3- 6. 2 5- AKHONDZADEH S., NEJATISAFA AK., AMINI H., LARIJANI B., KASHANI L., RAISI F. and KAMALIPOUR A. (2003).Adjunctive estrogen treatment in women with chronic schizophrenia: a double blind, randomized and placebo controlled trial. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 27, 100 7- 1012. 2 6- AKHONDZADEH S., FARAJI H., SADEGHI M., AFKHAM K., FAKHRZADEH H. KAMALIPOUR A. (2003). Double blind comparison of fluoxetine and nortriptyline in the treatment of moderate to severe major depression. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 28, 37 9- 384. 2 7- AKHONDZADEH S., MAHAJERI H., MOHAMMADI MR., AMINI H. (2003) Ritanserin as an adjunct to lithium and haloperidol for the treatment of medication-naive patients with acute episodes of mania: a double blind and placebo controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry. 19; 3(1): 7. 2 8- AKHONDZADEH S., ERFANI S., MOHAMMADI MR., TEHRANI-DOOST M., AMINI H. (2004). Cyproheptadine in the treatment of autistic disorder: a double-blind and placebo controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 29, 14 5- 150. 2 9- MOHAMMADI M, KASHANI L, AKHONDZADEH S, SAHIMI IZADIAN E, OHADINIA S. (2004). Efficacy of theophylline compared to methylphenidate for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: A double blind and randomized trial. . Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 29, 13 9- 144. 3 0- AKHONDZADEH S., MOHAMMADI MR, KHADEMI M. (2004). Zinc sulfate as an adjunct to methylphenidate for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children: A double blind and randomized trial [ISRCTN64132371]. BMC Psychiatry. 4: 9. 3 1- MOHAMMAI MR, GHANIZADEH A, RAHGOZAR M, NOORBALA AA, DAVIDIAN H, MALEK AFZALI H, NAGHAVI HR, YAZDI SA, SABERI SM, MESGARPOUR B, AKHONDZADEH S, ALAGHEBANDRAD J, TEHRANIDOOST M (2004). Prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in Iran. BMC Psychiatry. 4: 2 3 2- SOLEMANI A, MOAYYERI A, AKHONDZADEH S, SADATSAFAVI M, SHALMANI HY, SOLTANZADEH A. (2004). Frequency of myasthenic crisis in relation to thymectomy in generalized myasthenia gravis: a 1 7- year experience. BMC Neurology. 4: 12. 3 3- AKHONDZADEH S, FALLAH-POUR H, AFKHAM K, JAMSHIDI AH, KHALIGHI-CIGAROUDI F. (2004). Comparison of Crocus sativus L. and imipramine in the treatment of mild to moderate depression: a pilot double-blind randomized trial [ISRCTN45683816]. BMC Complement Altern Med.4: 12. 3 4- LARIJANI B, KHORAM SHAHI BAYAT M, KHALILI GORGANI M, BANDARIAN F, AKHONDZADEH S, SAJADI SA. (2004). Association between depression and diabetes. German Journal of Psychiatry 7: 6 2- 65. 35. AKHONDZADEH S, SAFARCHERATI A, AMINI H. (2005). Beneficial antipsychotic effects of allopurinol as adjunctive therapy for schizophrenia: A double blind, randomized and placebo controlled trial. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 29; 25 3- 259. 3 6- AKHONDZADEH S, TAMACEBI-POUR N, NOORBALA AA, AMINI H, FALLAH POUR H, JAMSHIDI AH, KHANI M. (2005). Crocus sativus L. in the treatment of mild to moderate depression: A double-blind, randomized and placebo controlled trial. Phytotherapy Research. 19, 2 5- 29. 3 7- NOORBALA AA, AKHONDZADEH S, TAMACEBI-POUR N, Jamshidi AH. (2005). Hydro-alcoholic extract of Crocus sativus L. versus fluoxetine in the treatment of mild to moderate depression: A double-blind, randomized pilot trial. Ethnopharmacology. 97; 28 1- 284. 3 8- AMINI H, AGHAYAN S, JALILI A, AKHONDZADEH S, YAHYAZADEH O, PAKRAVAN-NEJAD M. (2005). Comparison of mirtazapine and fluoxetine in the treatment of major depressive disorder: a double-blind randomized trial. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 30; 13 3- 138. 3 9- AKHONDZADEH S, MAKKINEJAD K, ALEM, ZM. (2005). Dose psychotic symptoms and cognition impairments improve better with adding lamotrigine to risperidone in chronic schizophrenia? Therapy 2; 39 9- 406. 4 0- AKHONDZADEH S, RAFIEE-MILAJERDI M, AMINI H, BATHAI FS. and KAMALIPOUR A. (2005) Allopurinol as adjunctive treatment for acute mania in hospitalized bipolar patients. Therapy 2; 73 9- 744. 4 1- AKHONDZADEH S. and DALIRI HAMPA. (2005) Topiramate prevents ecstasy consumption: A case report. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 19; 60 1- 602 4 2- ZIAI SA, LARIJANI B, AKHOONDZADEH S, FAKHRZADEH H, DASTPAK A, BANDARIAN F, REZAI A, BADI HN, EMAMI T (2005).Psyllium decreased serum glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin significantly in diabetic outpatients. Ethnopharmacology 102; 20 2- 7. 4 3- LARIJANI B., TABATABAEI O., SOLTANI A., TAHERI E., PAJOUHI M., BASTANHAGH MA., AKHONDZADEH S., MAHMOODI M., BANDARIAN F., MOHAMMADZADE N., (2005). Comparison of desmopressin (DDAVP) tablet and intranasal spray in the treatment of central diabetes insipidus. DARU 13; 15 5- 159 4 4- SADATSAFAVI M, MOAYYERI A, SOLTANI A, LARIJANI B, NOURAIE M, AKHONDZADEH S. (2005) Artificial neural networks in prediction of bone density among post-menopausal women. Journal of Endocrinology Investigation 28; 42 5- 431 4 5- AKHONDZADEH S, MOKHBERI K, AMINI H, LARIJANI B, KASHANI L, HASHEMI L, AK NEJATISAFA, SHAFAEI AR. (2005). Is there a relationship between estrogen serum level and symptoms severity over the menstrual cycle of schizophrenics? Therapy 2; 74 5- 751. 4 6- AKHONDZADEH S, MOHAMMADI MR, MOMENI F. (2005). Passiflora incarnata in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: A double blind and randomized trial. Therapy 2; 60 9- 614. 4 7- DAVOODI G., SADEGHIAN S., AKHONDZADEH S., DARVISH S., ALIDOOSTI M. and AMIRZADEGAN A. (2005). Comparison of specifications, short-term outcome and prognosis of acute myocardial infarction in opium dependent patients and non-dependents. German Journal of Psychiatry 8; 3 3- 37. 4 8- AKHONDZADEH S, REZAIE F, LARIJANI B, NEJATISAFA AK, KASHANI L, ABBASI SH. (2006). Correlation between testosterone, gonadotropins and prolactin and severity of negative symptoms in male patients with chronic schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 84, 40 5- 410. 4 9- AKHONDZADEH S, RAFIEE-MILAJERDI M, AMINI H, TEHRANI-DOOSAT M. (2006). Allopurinol as an adjunct to lithium and haloperidol for treatment of patients with acute mania: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Bipolar Disorders 8: 48 5- 9. 5 0- MOSHIRI E, BASTI AA, NOORBALA AA, JAMSHIDI AH, HESAMEDDIN ABBASI S, AKHONDZADEH. (2006) Crocus sativus L. (petal) in the treatment of mild-to-moderate depression: A double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. Phytomedicine. 13: 60 7- 11. 5 1- BASTI AA, MOSHIRI E, NOORBALA AA, JAMSHIDI AH, HESAMEDDIN ABBASI S, AKHONDZADEH. (2007). Comparison of petal of Crocus sativus L. and fluoxetine in the treatment of depressed outpatients: A pilot double-blind randomized trial. Progress in Neoropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 31:43 9- 42 5 2- ROKNI-YAZDI H., SOTOUDEH H., AKHONDZADEH S., SOTOUDEH E., ASADI H., SHAKIBA M. (2007). Antidepressant-like effect of magnetic resonance imaging-based stimulation in mice. Progress in Neoropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 31:50 3- 9 5 3- AKHONDZADEH S, TABATABAEE M., AMINI H., AHMADI-ABHARI SA., ABBASI SH., BEHNAM B. (2007). Celecoxib as adjunctive therapy in schizophrenia: A double blind, randomized and placebo controlled trial. Schizophrenia Research 90:17 9- 85 5 4- TOGHA M., AKHONDZADEH S., MOHTAMEDI M. (2007). Allopurinol as adjunctive therapy in intractable epilepsy: A double blind and placebo controlled trial. Archives of Medical Research 38: 31 3- 6 5 5- Raisi F., Habibi N., Nasehi AA., Akhondzadeh S. (2007). Combination of citalopram and nortriptyline in the treatment of severe major depression: a double-blind and placebo- controlled trial. Therapy 4: 18 7- 192. 5 6- AKHONDZADEH S, TAJDAR H, MOHAMMADI MR, MOHAMADDI M (2007). A double-blind placebo controlled trial of piracetam added to risperidone in patients with autistic disorders. Progress in Neoropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry (in press). 5 7- AKHONDZADEH S. (1998). The glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 23, 24 3- 246. 5 8- AKHONDZADEH S. (1999). Hippocampal synaptic plasticity and cognition. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics., 24, 24 1- 248. 5 9- AKHONDZADEH S. (2001) The 5- HT hypothesis of schizophrenia. IDRUGS., 4, 29 5- 300. 6 0- AKHONDZADEH S. & MOHAMMADI M.R. (2001). Schizophrenia: etiology and pharmacotherapy. IDRUGS. 4, 116 7- 1172. 6 1- AKHONDZADEH S. & Noroozian M. (2002). Alzheimers disease: Pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy. IDRUGS. 5 , 106 2- 1069. 6 2- AKHONDZADEH S. (2006). Pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia: The past, present and future. Current Drug Therapy. 1, 1- 7. 6 3- AKHONDZADEH S. and ABASSI SH. (2006). Herbal medicine in the treatment of Alzheimers disease. American Journal of Alzheimers Disease and Other Dementia 21: 11 3- 8. 6 4- NOORBALA AA., AKHONDZADEH S. (2006). Attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder: etiology and pharmacotherapy. Archives of Iranian Medicine 9:37 4- 80 6 5- MOHAMMADI MR, AKHONDZADEH S. (2007). Attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder: etiology and pharmacotherapy. Expert Review in Neurotrapeutics 7: 19 5- 201 6 6- MOHAMMADI MR, AKHONDZADEH S. (2007). Autism spectrum disorders: etiology and pharmacotherapy. Current Drug Therapy (in press). 6 7- AKHONDZADEH, S. & STONE, T.W. (1994). Enhancement by muscimol of adenosine effects on population spikes in the presence of barium. Canadian J. Physiol. Pharmacol., 72, 503. 6 8- AKHONDZADEH, S. & STONE, T.W. (1994). Enhancement by muscimol of adenosine effects on hippocampal population spikes, Br. J. Pharmacol., 112, 612P. 6 9- AKHONDZADEH, S. & STONE, T.W. (1994). Suppression by DIDS of an interaction between adenosine and muscimol in the hippocampus. Br. J. Pharmacol., 113, 106P. 7 0- AKHONDZADEH, S. & STONE, T.W. (1995). neurosteroids enhance muscimol and adenosine potentiation in the presence of barium. Br. J. Pharmacol. 114, 292P. 7 1- AKHONDZADEH, S. & STONE, T.W. (1995) Neurosteroids potentiate GABA and adenosine inhibition of hippocampal evoked potentials. Br. J. Pharmacol. 114, 293P. 7 2- AKHONDZADEH, S., SHABESTARI, O.L. & FARZANEHGAN, Z.M. (2000). Potentiation of muscimol-induced long-term depression by diazepam and chlordiazepoxide. Br. J. Pharmacol., 129, 163. 7 3- AKHONDZADEH S., MOHAMMADI, M.R., DAVARI-ASHTIANI, R., AMINI- NOOSHABADI, H. & FARZANEHGAN, Z.M. (2000). Cyproheptadine in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia: implications for the 5- HT hypothesis of schizophrenia. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 49, 491. 7 4- AKHONDZADEH S., NOORBALA, A.A., DAVARI-ASHTIANI, R., AMINI- NOOSHABADI, H. & SHABESTARI, O.L. (2000). Piracetam in the treatment of schizophrenia: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 49, 507. 7 5- AKHONDZADEH S., AHMADI-ABHARI S.A., ASSADI S.M. & SHABESTARI O.L. (2000). Double-blind randomized controlled trial of baclofen in the treatment of opiates withdrawal. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 51, 364P. 7 6- AKHONDZADEH S. KHASHANI L. and MOBASERI M. 2002 Potentiation of Muscimol-induced long-term depression by benzodiazepines but not zolpidem. Br. J. Pharmacology. 135, U37. 7 7- AKHONDZADEH S., TAVAKOLIAN R., DAVARI-ASHTIANI R. and AMINI- NOOSHABADI H. (2002). Selegiline in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children: a double blind randomized and controlled trial. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacology, 54, 39P. 7 8- AKHONDZADEH S., MOJTAHEDZADEH V. and MIRSEPASSI G.R. (2002). Diazoxide in the treatment of schizophrenia: a novel application of potassium channel openers in the CNS disorders. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacology54, 40P. 7 9- AKHONDZADEH S., NOROOZIAN M., MOHAMMADI MR., OHADINIA S. & MOIN M.(2003). Effects of a fixed dose of Melissa officinalis extract in Alzheimers disease: a randomized, placebo controlled trial. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 55, 44 3- 445 8 0- AKHONDZADEH S., NEJATISAFA AA. & AMINI H. (2003). A clinical trial of adjunctive estrogen treatment in women with chronic schizophrenia: a double blind and placebo controlled study. Proceeding of the British Pharmacological Society at http://www.pa2online/Vol1Issue2abst021.html 8 1- AKHONDZADEH S., FARAJI H. & SADEGHI M. (2003) Comparison of fluoxetine and nortriptyline in the treatment of moderate to severe major depression: A double blind and randomized trial. Proceeding of the British Pharmacological Society at http://www.pa2online/Vol1Issue2abst023.html 8 2- AKHONDZADEH S., NOROOZIAN M. & MOHAMMADI MR. (2003) Salvia officinalis extract in the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimers disease: a double blind and placebo-controlled trial. Proceeding of the British Pharmacological Society at 8 3- AKONDZADEH S., MOHAMMADI MR., MAHAJERI H., AMINI H., KASHANI L. (2004) Ritanserin as an adjunct to lithium and haloperidol for the treatment of patients with acute mania: A double blind and placebo controlled trial. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 57, 670. 8 4- AKONDZADEH S., MOHAMMADI MR., Erfani S., Tehranidoost M., Amini H., Kashani L. (2004). A clinical trial of adjunctive cyproheptadine in the treatment of autistic disorder: A double-blind and placebo controlled trial British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 57, 674. 8 5- NOROOZIAN M, AKHONDZADEH S, MOHAMMADI MR., OHADINIA S (2004). Effects of a fixed dose of Melissa officinalis extract in Alzheimers disease: a randomized, placebo controlled trial. International Psychogeriaterics. 15, 216. 8 6- AKHONDZADEH S, MILAJERDI MR, AMINI H, MOINOLGHORBAEI M. (2005). A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of allopurinol as adjunctive treatment for acute mania in hospitalized bipolar patients. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 59; 63 4- 634. 8 7- AKHONDZADEH S, NOORBALA AA, TAHMACEBO POUR N, KASHANI L. (2005). Crocus sativus L. in the treatment of mild to moderate depression: a double-blind, randomized and placebo controlled trial. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 59; 63 0- 630. 8 8- AKHONDZADEH S, MOHAMMADI MR, MOMENI F, MOSHAVER A.. (2005). Passiflora incarnata in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: A double blind and randomized trial. Proceeding of British Pharmacological Society. 8 9- AKHONDZADEH S, MAKKINEJAD K, ALEM, ZM, MOINOLGHORBAEI M. (2005). Is there an improvement in psychotic symptoms and cognition impairments with the addition of lamotrigine to risperidone in chronic schizophrenia? Proceeding of British Pharmacological Society. 9 0- AKHONDZADEH S, MOKHEBERI K, KASHANI L. (2006). Is there a relationship between estrogen serum concentration and symptom severity throughout the menstrual cycle of patients with schizophrenia? BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 61: 61 9- 619
مشاوره براي پايان‌نامه‌هاي كارشناسي ارشد و دكترا يا بالاتر:
جوايز و تقدير‌هاي كشوري و جهاني:
1- The only overseas student who got his Ph.D. just in two years in Glasgow University 2- RAZI Award (national) for the best researcher in clinical sciences, Tehran, Iran (2000). 3- Avisina Award (Tehran University of Medical Sciences) for publications in international journals Tehran, Iran (2002
سابقه سمت‌هاي آموزشي و اجرايي كليدي دانشگاهي و پژوهشي:
1- Senior Advisor of President. Welfare Organization,Tehran. Iran 199 1- 1992 2- Professor of Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology (Teaching Clinical Psychopharmacology, Neuroscience and Substance Dependence to Medical Students and Residents of Psychiatry) Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (since August 1, 1995). 3- Director, Research Unit, Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran, Iran (August 1, 1995 -1996). 4- Assistant Professor, Neurosciences. Brain Research Institute. Niigata University. Niigata, Japan (199 6- 1997). 5- Deputy for research, National Research Center of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (200 1- 2002) 6- Director, Institute of Medicinal Plants, Tehran, Iran (199 9- 2004) 7- Editor in Chief, Journal of Medicinal Plants (in Persian), Tehran, Iran (200 1- 2004) 8- Member of Editorial Board, Behboud Scientific Journal, Kermanshah, Iran (since 2002) 9- Deputy for Research, Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (200 2- 2004). 1 0- Editor in Chief, Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Lipid Disorders (in Persian), Tehran, Iran (200 2- 2005) 1 1- Advisor of President of Iranian Red Crescent for research affairs (since 2002) 1 2- Director General, International Affairs, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (200 3- 2005) 1 3- Associate Editor, Archive of Iranian Medicine (in English), Tehran, Iran (since 2004) 1 4- Editor in Chief, Medical Journal of Iranian Red Crescent (in English), Dubai, UAE (since 2004) 1 5- Vice dean for research, faculty of medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (since 2005) 1 6- Deputy for Research, Psychiatry and clinical psychology research institute, Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (since 2005). 1 7- Deputy Editor, Iranian Journal of Psychiatry (in English) (since 2005) 1 8- Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care 19 Senior Advisor of President. Welfare Organization, Tehran. Iran - 199 1- 1992 2 0- Professor of Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology (Teaching Clinical Psychopharmacology, Neuroscience and Substance Dependence to Medical Students and Residents of Psychiatry) Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (since August 1, 1995). 2 1- Director, Research Unit, Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran, Iran (August 1, 1995 -1996). 2 2- Assistant Professor, Neurosciences. Brain Research Institute. Niigata University. Niigata, Japan (199 6- 1997). 2 3- Deputy for research, National Research Center of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (200 1- 2002) 2 4- Director, Institute of Medicinal Plants, Tehran, Iran (199 9- 2004) 2 5- Editor in Chief, Journal of Medicinal Plants (in Persian), Tehran, Iran (200 1- 2004) 2 6- Member of Editorial Board, Behboud Scientific Journal, Kermanshah, Iran (since 2002) 2 7- Deputy for Research, Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 200 2- 2004 2 8- Editor in Chief, Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Lipid Disorders (in Persian), Tehran, Iran (200 2- 2005) 2 9- Advisor of President of Iranian Red Crescent for research affairs (since 2002) 3 0- Director General, International Affairs, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (200 3- 2005) 3 1- Associate Editor, Archive of Iranian Medicine (in English), Tehran, Iran (since 2004) 3 2- Editor in Chief, Medical Journal of Iranian Red Crescent (in English), Dubai, UAE (since 2004) 3 3- Vice dean for research, faculty of medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (since 2005) 3 4- Deputy for Research, Psychiatry and clinical psychology research institute, Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (since 2005). 3 5- Deputy Editor, Iranian Journal of Psychiatry (in English) (since 2005) 3 6- Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care
عضويت در مجامع و نشريات علمي – پژوهشي كشوري و جهاني: