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Alireza Zahiroddin - Full CV |
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Alireza Zahiroddin |
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88848046-77551023 |
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Iran |
Brief CV |
سوابق تØصيلي: مقطع كارشناسي - مكان : - دانشگاه: - زمان: كارشناسي ارشد - مكان: - دانشگاه: - زمان: دكترا - مكان: - دانشگاه: shahid beheshti- زمان: 1986 تخصص يا Ph.D - مكان: - دانشگاه: shahid beheshti- زمان: 1990 Ùوق تخصص - مكان: - دانشگاه: - زمان:
علايق Ùˆ گرايش تØقيقاتي:
مهمترين پژوهش‌هاي در‌دست اجرا يا پايان‌ياÙته سال‌هاي اخير:
مهمترين كتب:
1- cardia emergency 2- sign and symptoms in psychiatry 3- psychopathology in psychiatry 4- norotransmetters abnormality in schizophrenia 5- woman mental health 6- self- hypnosis 7- guide book in treatment of substance dependency 8- the relaxation and stress reduction work book
مهمترين مقالات پژوهشي سال‌هاي اخير:
1- the effect of lithium on LLPDD (late luteal phase disphoric disorder) 2- the effect of clomiperamine on LLPDD 3- the possible specific defect in CT scan on about one hundred sample schizophrenic pateints 4- the prevalence of symptoms toxicity by lithium 5- the effect of haloperidol on negative symptom of schizophrenia 6- the prevalence of negative symptom in schizophrenia 7- the effect of amitriptyline on depressed patients by the beck test 8- comparison of the remedying effect of chlordiazpoxide and oxazepam on the heart attacked patients in CCU 9- the prevalence of schizophrenia due to the heredity tree of the patients.birth order in shizophrenia 1 0- the prevalence of the causes of divorce in the courts in Iran Tehran 1 1- the effect of eskazina on the negative symptoms of schizophrenia 1 2- the glands and immunity disorders. And dementia in first relatives of schizophrenic patients 1 3- schizophrenia and creatin kniase 1 4- surveying the personal and psychological aspects of suicide in children referring to loghman-hakim hospital 199 9- 2000 1 5- anxiety and dialsis 1 6- fahrs syndrome with psychiatric symptomes (case report) 1 7- rate of stress in asthmatic patients refrring to loghman-hakim medical center during 199 8- 1999 the investigation of psychiatric signs and symptoms in patients with-18 complex partial epilepsy- hospitalized in the psychiatric ward of imam hossein hospital. Tehran- Iran 1 9- the investigation of the prevalance of depression among 2nd and 3rd graders of high school of phiroozkooh . Iran 2 0- the investigation of the rate of mental health disorders in the opiates addicts referring to tow treatment centers of Tehran- Iran 2 1- the investgation of mental health in high –voltage power exposure personnels 2 2- the investigation of childhood mental disorders in drug addicted patients 2 3- the investigation of depression in diabetic patients 2 4- the investigation of depression In patients with coronary diseases 2 5- the investigation of mental disorders signs In bipolar mood disorders 2 6- the study of genetic abnormalities in patients with bipolar mood disorders 2 7- the investigation of depression in epileptic patients 2 8- the investigation of depression in psoriasis 2 9- does mental health and self- concept relate to rhinoplasty 3 0- the investigation of depression in patients with hemodialysis 3 1- prevalence os basal ganglia involvement in schizophrenia, schizaffective and bipolar patients refered to imam hossein hospital during 200 3- 2004 3 2- successful psychotrapy of gender identity disorders : a case series 3 3- comparison of depression in hemodiyalisis and continues ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients 3 4- the investigation of depression in patients with unstable angina 3 5- report of a case of olanzapine and risperidone induced hypomania 3 6- fahrs syndrome with neuropsychiatric manifestation (idiopathic calcification of basal ganglia) 3 7- the investigation on effect of ginkobiloba exatract on haloperidol induced orofacial dyskinesia in rate 3 8- the investigation of the effect of psychological stressor on the onest in exacerbation of skin disorder 3 9- the investigation between biorhythmic situation and scores of hygienic students in shahid beheshti university 4 0- the investigation panic attacks and hallucination as manifestation of epilepsy and drug side-effects 4 1- the investigation in different effects of GABAergic receptors located in ventral tegmental area on the expression of morphine-induced conditioned place preference in rat 4 2- the investigation of providing emotional stability through relaxation training 4 3- the investigation between attempted suicide and demographic characteristics in imam hossein hospital 4 4- the investigation of EQ (emotional quotient ) in medical students
مشاوره براي پايان‌نامه‌هاي كارشناسي ارشد و دكترا يا بالاتر:
جوايز و تقدير‌هاي كشوري و جهاني:
سابقه سمت‌هاي آموزشي و اجرايي كليدي دانشگاهي و پژوهشي:
1- twelves year teaching as assistant professor of psychiatry group in (S.B.U.M.S.H.S) Tehran , iran 2- tow years . as consultant of vice chancellor for education (S.B.U.M.S.H.S) 3- three years . as headof emergency ward and polyclinic at hospital of medical school in (S.B.U.M.S.H.S) 4- one year as general director of currative affaira in (S.B.U.M.S.H.S) 5- tow years as a member of the medical council in(S.B.U.M.S.H.S) 6- thirty month as psychiatry specialist in Iranian hospital in dubai , UAE 7- chairman of psychiatry group for four years 8- vice chancellor in education and academic affaires 9- the head of psychiatry department DEC.8.1998 1 0- the supervisor of the deputy office of academic affairs of shahid beheshti university of medical sciences, health and therapeutic services .2000 1 1- the member of the publication council of the university .JUNE2000 1 2- the head of psychiatry department NOV2000 1 3- the membere of the council of the university MAY2001 1 4- the head of psychiatry and behavioral sciences center.JAN2001 1 5- the member of the additional board of journal of medical education NOV2000 1 6- the member of the scientific committee of the word health organization collaborating center for mental health NOV2001 1 7- the expert in specilization consulting commission at Islamic republic of Iran medical council March 2001 1 8- the member of the higher council of standardization of education NOV 2001 1 9- the expert in preliminary disciplinary committee of greater Tehran medical council March2002 2 0- the expert in specialization consulting commissions and disciplinary committees at Islamic republic of iran medical council 2 1- the expert of the state coroners department Dec2002 2 2- the member of the specialized committee of the psychiatry department May2003 2 3- the member of research committee of the psychiatry department June2003 2 4- chairment of behavioral sciences research center 2 5- the member of Iranian board of psychiatry
عضويت در مجامع و نشريات علمي – پژوهشي كشوري و جهاني:
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