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:: Members of Academic Board - Changiz Iranpour ::
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Full name Changiz Iranpour
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Academic degree Post graduate
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Full Address Department of Psychiatry, Imam Hossein Hospital Shahid Madani St. Tehran, Iran 16179
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Country Iran
## Brief CV
سوابق تحصيلي:
مقطع كارشناسي - مكان : - دانشگاه: -e-hen Azad university - زمان: 199
0- 1994
كارشناسي ارشد - مكان: - دانشگاه: Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran- زمان: 197
7- 1985
دكترا - مكان: - دانشگاه: - زمان:
تخصص يا Ph.D - مكان: - دانشگاه: - زمان:
فوق تخصص - مكان: - دانشگاه: - زمان:

علايق و گرايش تحقيقاتي:

مهمترين پژوهش‌هاي در‌دست اجرا يا پايان‌يافته سال‌هاي اخير:

1- Provide a mational information Bank about Researches of Nuro sciences (2007), for Nuro sciences research center of shahid Beheshti university. First Author.
2- Correlation about Emotional quttient and job sattsfaction in nurse in zmam Hossien Hospital (2007). For Behavioral seiences research center, shahid Beheshti university of medi cal sciem ces. First Author.
3- Asurvery about Emotional qutient between 4th grade students in different faculty of shahid Beheshti university of Medical seien ces (2007). Second Author.
4- 2007Evaluation of National Life skills Training (2007)- Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
5- A study to the correlation between Bonding and Briding docial capital with tendency to drug abuse in the grade of high school students. (2006). For Daryush research center, welfare and rehabilitate university First Aulther.
6- Asurvey about the role of arousal due to positive and negative emotional stumuls on memory and learming functions in medical students (2004), For Nuro sciences research center, shahid Beheshti university of medical scien ces. Secount Author 2003
7- 2004A study about changes of mental Health and marital adjustment after Birth of children in women. For Research center in shaheed Beheshti University of medical sciences. Responsibility: First author.
8- 2003 Provide and standardization of life skills Questioniars for primary school level, for ministry of health and medical Education (2003)-Responsibility: First Author
9- 2003The role of social problem solving and communication skills training on self esteem enhancement, and its Relations with intellectual functions and academic achievements. Fifth Iranian congress on children Adolescents mental health. Zanjan University of medical sciences
8- 10 Oct 2003. Responsibility: Second author. 1
0- 2003A study to the conceptual thinking Processes in children with learning Disability. Thesis for post graduate Degree. Present in fifth Iranian congress on children adolescents Mental health. Zanjan University of Medical seiences
8- 10 Oct 2003 Responsibility: Chair persy and Presenter. 1
1- 2002Correlation between mental health with educational achievement and Attitude in student of medical Sciences. For research center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical sciences. Responsisbility: second author. 1
2- 2002A survey of mental disorders in People who use dtugs reffering to two withdrawal center in Tehran. For medical faculty, Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences. Responsibility: Major co- researcher. 1
3- 2002A study to the relationship of the Sexual dysfunction and psychiatric Disorders in the referring women to the psychiatric clinic. For research center in Shahid Beheshti of Medical sciences.Present in 6 Iranian Congress of the research in Psychology (Nov.
5- 8, 2001). Also published in andeesheh VA Raftar, A fournal of psychiatry and clinical psychology vo 17, No 3, Fall 2003, 6
7- 72 Responsibility: second author. 1
4- 2002The prevalence of anxiety symptoms In patients with vaginismus referred to private psychiatric clinic in Tehran (200
1- 2002). Published in Medical journal of reproduction Infertilitty V.
4- Issuse
2- spring 2003, 15
6- 163 1
5- 2001A survey of correlation between Hardiness and mental health in Students of Universitties. Thesis for Post graduate degree. Present in 6 Iranian congress of the search in Psychology and psychiatry Now,
5- 8 2001 Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical sciences. Responsibility: chair persy and Presenter. 1
6- 2001The role of inferlitiy, sex of children, and un acceptance of sexual role in Family problems. Thesis for post- Graduate degree. Present in 6 Symposium of psychological aspects of inferlility, 17 may 2001. Responsibility: Chair persy and Presenter. 1
7- 2000A study to the self – efficacy and its Relationship with some of the Psychological variables and Academic performances in the Second elementary school level Chidren. 4th Iranian seminar of children Adolescents mental health. Zanjan University of medical sciences. (
8- 20 Oct 2000) Responsibility: First author and Presenter. 1
8- 2000The influence of organized education As a initiallypreventive method in Promoting childrens social growth. Thesis for post graduate degree. Presented in 4th Iranian seminar on Children adolescents mental health. Zanjan University of medical sciences 1
8- 20 Oct 2000 Responsibility: chair persy and presenter. 1
9- 2000A comparative study about Behavioral disorders in families with Few and more children and Adolescents mental health. Zanjan University of medical sciences. 1
8- 20 Oct. Responsibility: chair persy and Prescenter. 2
0- 2000Assesment the psychological characteristics of Emergency staff and its relationship with job stress and job satisfy. Presented in first theran seminar of emergency. Oct
1- 3 2000 Martyr Beheshti University of Medical sciences – offices of an Assistant treatment and drug. Responsibility: first author, and Presenter. 2
1- 2000The role of sport and social level in Educational achievement in girls (1
3- 15 Ages) in second primary school. Thesis for receiving postgraduate Degree. Responsibility: chair persy 2
2- 1999A study to the effects of depression on the memory in a normal elderly Sample at home. Presented in 1th International conference; Rural aging: A giobal challenge june
7- 11, 2000 Responsibility: First author and Presenter. 2
3- 1999A comparative study about values system Between students and other people. Thesis for reciving post graduate Degree. Responsibility: chair persy 2
4- 1998A survey to the correlation between coping styles with locus of control and social support in middle age Women in Tehran. Presented in 4th Iranian congress. Iran University of medical sciences. Responsibility: First author and Presenter. 2
5- 1998Comparative study about personality Traits in basigy women and other Women. Presented in Iranian seminar About psychological in Police personnels. Baghiyatallahe University of medical sciences. Responsibility: First author and Presenter. 2
6- 1998A review of litrtature the change of mental and marital adjustment following the child birth. Personated in seminar of family Mental health. Dec, D-2
0- 1998 Shahid Beheshti University of Medical sciences and health services, Nursing college, Responsibility: First author and Presenter. 2
7- 1998A study of the correlation between Hopelessness and achievement Motivation in sports students. Responsibility: chair persy 2
8- 1997Psychologycal – Functional damages due to chronic schizophrenic children in parents. Presented in the Iranian congress of choronic Disorders. University of rehabilitation and well- being.Responsibility: First author and Presenter. 2
9- 1997Astudy of the correlation between Need satisfaction and hopelessness in elders. Present in Iranian Seminar about agent. University of Reliabilition and well-being. Responsibility: second author 3
0- 1997A compression study about Psychologic needs and its Relationship with hopeless between Elders and middie ages in Tehran. Presented in 5th Iranian congress of Research in psychiatry and Psychology. Feb 2
5- March 3 Martyr Shahid Beheshti University of Medical sciences.Responsibility: second author 3
1- 1997A study of the criteria and factor in successfuk marriages and its Relationship with some personality Traits in students. Presented in 1th Iranian seminar of the role of marriage In Mental health Minister of medical Sciences, assistant of students. Responsibility: First author and Presenter. 3
2- 1996The role of cognitive – behavioral intervention to prevention from Crime in adolescent and youngs Prisoners. Presented on 1th Iranian Seminar of modern styles in Managing of prisons and training of Prisons administration of prisons. Responsibility: second author 3
3- 1995Correlation between need satisfaction and mental health and achievement Motivation in young people.Presented in 5th annual Iranian seminar of mental Isphahan University. esponsibility: First author and Present 3
4- 1994Mental status of the mothers of schizopherinc patients. Thesis for Reciving M. A degree in general Psychology. (1994) ResponsibilityL Author

مهمترين كتب:
Mental Health and life skills for women (seven issue) (2003) for-1 ministory of health and medical Education.

مهمترين مقالات پژوهشي سال‌هاي اخير:

مشاوره براي پايان‌نامه‌هاي كارشناسي ارشد و دكترا يا بالاتر:

جوايز و تقدير‌هاي كشوري و جهاني:

سابقه سمت‌هاي آموزشي و اجرايي كليدي دانشگاهي و پژوهشي:
6- 1 to now Research manager, Behavioval Research center, shahid Beheshti university of medical sciences.
2- 1992 to now (2007) Psychologist in Department of psychiatry, Imam Hossein Hospital. Shahid Beheshti university of medical scienles
3- 200
3- 2007Psychological in a private clinic called Pars, Clinic (part time) Responsibility: Psychotherapy and Psychometri. (Work as a team with Neurologist and psychtatrist).
4- 200
3- 2007Psychologist in a private councelling Center called taliheh, (part time)Responsibility: Family therapy, grouptherapy, Individual psychotherapy, play therapy.Responsibility: Psychotherapy, Familythrapy, Psychometri.
5- 200
1- 2005Psychologist in the student Concelling center, Shahid Beheshti University, (part time) Responsibility:Councelling with the Students about education problem, Marriage, mental disorders… Achievements: Experience about Youngs problems.
6- 199
3- 1994Psychologist in Noorafshar Hospital (part time) (it was a enter for Iran-Iraq war wounds)Responsibility: Jndividual Psychotherapy, psychometric, Coucelling with therir family.
7- 198
9- 1992Manager In Shariaty Hospital in saveh (full time) Responsibility: Manager

عضويت در مجامع و نشريات علمي – پژوهشي كشوري و جهاني:
Member: National scientific committee of life skills training-1 (200
7- 2008) Siminar about Evaluation of National proggramme of life skills in-2 Iran. 1
5- 16 August 2007. Member: National committee of determine stamders for psychiatric-3 Hospitals and words. (2007)
4- Research manajer of Behavioral sciences resrarch conter, shahid Beheshti University of medical science (2006)
5- Member: Reasearch committee, Behavioral sciences research center, Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences (2006)
6- Member: mental health committee, Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences (199
4- 1995)
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