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Health Research Network (MHRN) is comprised of a Series of Governmental and non-governmental Research Institutions in Iran.
The main goal of this network is to improve the quantity and quality of Multicentered studies.
As well as to organize the basic and applied Researches on mental health in Iran.
MHRN is currently working under the supervision of deputy of Research and technology of Ministry of Health.

Which facilities often than supporting the projects do the MHRN provide?

Some database are being developed and updated continuously to help the Researchers to get access to necessary Information.
These databases include Iranpsych (The database of Iranian articles on psychology, as well as these and dissertations performed in Iran), the database of Iranian Researchers on related subjects, the bank of psychometric tools, and also the database of ongoing project on Mental Health.
Members can also take part in educational programs including work shops and seminars.

How the MHRN is governed?

Director of the MHRN is responsible for management and monitoring of all at the activities and coordinators.
Secretary of the MHRN would take some of these responsibilities and also manages the secretariat of the network.
General policies and strategies are determined by strategic council.
Research council assesses, approves and evaluates the Research projects of MHRN.

Does the MHRN have an independent budget?

Currently the MHRN lacks an independent funding budget and is supported by the deputy of Research and technology of MOH.
How is the evaluation process of the proposal by MHRN?
Only those Research proposals are eligible for submission that have been previously approved and sent to secretariat by one of members. Currently no individual can independently submit a proposal to MHRN.

What are the structures of MHRN?

  • Founder group
  • General assembly
  • Strategic council
  • Director
  • Research and education council

Why this network has been founded?

There are an increasing number of Research center the directly or indirectly deal with the Mental Health issues in Iran. Therefore it was necessary to coordinate these centers 46 prevent redundant works and produce the capacity to perform national projects. MHRN was developed with the support of the deputy of Research and technology of Moh to try to meet these needs.

Which organizations are currently members of the MHRN?

  • Office of Mental Health and Ministry of Health and Medical education.
  • Iranian national center for addiction studies Tehran University of Medical Sciences:
  • Mental Health Research center, Iran University of Medical Sciences.
  • Psychiatry and Psychology Research center Tehran University of Medical Sciences (PPRC)
  • Psychiatry Research center and Behavior sciences, Shiraz University of Medical sciences.
  • Psychiatry Research center and Behavior Sciences Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences.
  • Iranian Research center on ageing Welfare and Rehabilitation University of Medical Sciences
  • NEURO Sciences Research center Shahid Beheshty University of Medical Sciences
  • Behavior Sciences Research center, Esfahan University of Medical Sciences
  • Behavior Sciences Research center Bagiyatallah University of Medical Sciences
  • Family Research Institute
  • Research Institute for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Women life
  • Behaviors Science Research center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science
  • Research center for Studies on substance use and dependency (Darius Institute)

What are the goals of MHRN?

  • Production of Science to Improve Mental Health of the Society
  • Capacity Building to promote the quantity and quality of Research on Mental Health
  • Organization the Researches to Meet the priorities and Scientific need of the country
  • Providing grants for Research on Mental Health
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شبکه تحقیقات سلامت روان Mental Health Research Network
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